Welcome to Cloudburst


For most of the past decade, I've been obsessed with a single-minded pursuit -- to produce the most remarkable wine possible. My mission has taken me around the world, and I've had the privilege of learning from some of the best.  

In 2005, I planted my first vines in Margaret River, Western Australia. This region is similar in climate to Bordeaux and considered the Napa Valley of Australia, notable for extraordinary Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. I had my first vintage in 2010 and my 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon swept an unprecedented three trophies in the recent Margaret River Wine Show -- Best Cabernet Sauvignon, Best Single Vineyard Red and Best Red Wine of Show. This wine, along with my Chardonnay, is featured in some of the top restaurants in the world.

My vineyard is very small and quite unique. It is close-planted, own-rooted, non-irrigated and non-cultivated.  It has been biodynamic from the start. The result is the production of  flavor-filled, healthy grapes, the foundation of great wine. I make an extremely limited quantity of wine – the entire production of the prize winning Cabernet Sauvignon totaled a mere 1900 bottles.  

I invite you take advantage of this opportunity to join the Cloudburst family here at To your health!


Will Berliner, Winemaker


First Post

April 30, 2014

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Meanwhile, back at the winery...

April 21, 2014

It’s yet another blustery rainy spring day with deep cloud cover and the sun extending its vacation. I’ve returned to the winery to have a look at the 2013 reds. They have been maturing in 225 liter French barriques, for about four months and are ready for their first real racking. It is breezy here in the open shed but welcome shelter from the rain slanting off into the gray green vines. I’ve shed my ubiquitous fleece for the comfort of a cozy sweater and my cold rubber boots for my seasoned blunnies. I’m outdoors, yet indoors, and today it’s a relief. I’m excited to have the chance to taste the developing wines – the last time I’ve actually scrutinized them was at the...

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Out in the Rain, Again

April 21, 2014

I’m out in the rain again. I just have to see for myself – all this driving rain has had to have an impact. And so I’m walking through the Chardonnay, inspecting leaves and bunches. Overnight the leaf cover seems to have doubled in volume. Everything looks to be in top shape, with the exception of a few scattered leaves with tiny rips in them.  Was that caused by wind and rain? The block I’m replanting is mostly soggy. I stay on the higher ground and replace about fifty plants. The rain intensifies and the wind starts to sting and then hailstones are snapping against my neck. I take cover under an ancient Peppermint tree and when it passes walk to the mini...

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